The Drink Up, Honey - You Honk And We Say Thank You

1. Barricades
2. Bottlecaps
3. Glass (II)
4. My, But Those Glasses!
5. Resin (I)
6. Warmestnovember
7. 6
8. Nighttime
9. Hot [minus] Hot [equals] Hot
10. Fake Emmannuel
11. The Boat's Oar
12. Amalgama
Official solicitation:
The Drink Up, Honey is the name of the experimental sometimes electronic sometimes acoustic musical output from Chicago-come-Anacortes resident Nick Rennis who makes melodic soundscapes using found and live sound. He acknowledges noise compositions whose dark roots also have the potential for making the brightest ambient music. The listener can’t help but recall Jim O’Rourke or Joan Of Arc on a first listen.
As with his ancestors, for The Drink Up, Honey music is as much about texture as it is clarity. It is a means of describing, via melody, ideas about leaving and growing as effectively as the most refined indie pop. The main man is a co-host of Indie Street with a past in post-rock group A Promise Made. He has spent the past few years performing and recording with the likes of New York’s acclaimed Mountains. It may come as no surprise that he currently resides at the Department Of Safety art collective working with the likes of Phil Elverum and Karl Blau.
The Drink Up, Honey strives for balance, between the shattered and the repaired, between abrasive and smooth. This is why even the darkest The Drink Up, Honey pieces feature alluring chord changes and children laughing. In this way, he marks the transitional moment when experimental music went from a subversive entity to a serious force. He is cerebral and introspective, embattled and injured.
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